IBM-DTLA A5AA-A6AA Firmware Update


Deskstar 40GV, 5400rpm Deskstar 75GXP, 7200rpm
DTLA-305010 (10.2 GB) DTLA-307015 (15.3 GB)
DTLA-305020 (20.5 GB) DTLA-307020 (20.5 GB)
DTLA-305030 (30.7 GB) DTLA-307030 (30.7 GB)
DTLA-305040 (41.1 GB) DTLA-307045 (46.1 GB)
DTLA-307060 (61.4 GB)
DTLA-307075 (76.8 GB)

* While S.M.A.R.T. offline scan running in background, a read error could
cause a potential failure. This is corrected with current microcode.

* (A5AA/A6AA) will detect and prevent application specific usage patterns
that cause excessive dwell times in particular areas. - 1.38 MB - 0.70 MB

After download remove the .zip extension and unpack with RAR archiver.

Update instructions:

DFT-Firmware-Update.pdf - 0.06 MB


- #1 -
- #2 - (1 file, not splitted!)
- #3 - (1 file, not splitted!)
- #4 - (1 file, not splitted!)

dtlaupdt.tar.gz - disk image for Linux - 1.10 MB

Related links

DTLA A5AA-A6AA Firmware Update for Dell systems DTLA A5BA-A6BA Firmware Update for HP Brio systems - Description
DTLA A5BA-A6BA Firmware Update for HP Kayak systems - Description DTLA A5BA-A6BA Firmware Update for HP Vectra systems - Description
DTLA A5AA-A6AA Firmware Update for IBM systems IBM HD Support Download Page

60GXP (IC35L0xxAVER07) A46A Generic Firmware Update 60GXP (IC35L0xxAVER07) A46A Firmware Update for Dell systems


AnandTech DTLA FAQ CERN returns 900 DTLAs
Hexus Net: IBM failures IBM 75GXP class action home page
IBM sucks - Dead or Dying IBM 75GXP Drives Pair Networks: Drive Swaps
PCWorld: Users Complain About IBM's Crashing Drives PCWorld: IBM Sued Over Hard Drive Quality
The Inquirer: Problems with IBM DTLA drives emerge The Inquirer: Cripple your system and fix your DTLA drive
The Inquirer: IBM's DTLA drive saga unfolds The Inquirer: IBM drives failing loads
The Inquirer: Fury breaks out over IBM hard drives The Inquirer: IBM hit with hard drive class action
The Register: IBM hit with hard drive class action suit The Register: Deskstar 75GXP: the pain continues
The Register: How to sue IBM in three easy steps The Tech Report: Dr. Evil asks: GXP problems?
The Tech Report: 75GXP class-action suit filed

German articles

DTLA FAQ Heise: IBM dementiert Berichte �ber fehlerhafte Festplatten
Nickles: Alarmstufe Rot Nickles: IBM-Drama ohne Ende
Nickles: IBM DTLA Platten nach acht Stunden am Boden

Hard disk autopsies

IBM Hard Drive Autopsy Overclockers Australia - Anatomy of an IBM Deskstar 75GXP hard drive

...and finally IBM exits hard disk drive business

The Tech Report: IBM to exit hard disk drive business The Inquirer: IBM getting out of hard drive biz
The Register: IBM hands over HDD biz to Hitachi